domingo, 1 de maio de 2016


o amor não é imediato
ele é gestado,
num coração que se abre à fecundação.

eu achava meu peito duro,
até te machuquei, com tuas investidas
voltando pontiagudas pra ti.

o tempo foi passando,
o frio indo,o calor vindo, e o frio voltando
e tu continuou.
não é mentira que se foi um pouco,
mas voltou.
foi difícil, mas aí te aceitei.
foram algumas semanas,
de um vai e vem,
de lutas e diversão.
até que tu chegou naquele ponto
que encheu meu peito de calor
e liquefez o ferro da muralha.

hoje algo muito triste aconteceu...
e na minha pequenez,
mesmo acostumada a ver casos similares,
não consigo alcançar a tua dor.
queria que todo calor que tu crias em meu peito
te abraçasse e aquecesse, protegendo teu coração.

Hoje é pra ti que escrevo,
e por ti que choro.
a tua dor é a minha dor;
que teu sofrimento se divida
e se recaia sobre mim.
que se recaia você sobre mim.
serei teu amparo e teu calor.
estou aqui.


domingo, 6 de março de 2016

The letter I can not send.

Dear Mr. who should not be named...

The snow wasn't all that I was expecting, I mean, I was hoping we'd have a huge snowfall in  Budapest.
I remember waiting for that during days, checking the weather forecast over and over again. Unfortunately to you, talking about that our by our.
Then suddenly, I can't remember exactly what was keeping our attention, you told me, all excited with glowing eyes, "look outside"! And for the first time in my life, I saw the snow coming down. It was beautiful. I wish that had lasted forever. But as so many good things in life, it lasted for a night, and in two days all the snow were gone. But the cold remained! zzzz
We went outside, now I think not well prepared for the minus three celsius degrees we had to face. You froze with me for half an hour,  just because that made me happy. Actually I guess that made me feel - and act, sorry - like a child. It's okay, you didn't laugh at me.
Then just some few days later, you were at the platform, crying through the glass of the wagon, saying good bye. There's a word for that in portuguese, Adeus. It was one of the saddest moments in my life.I cried during the whole trip. I confess, although you already knew, I had been crying for a few days... when I looked outside at the town or just by wondering how I'd feel when the time would come...  when I wouldn't have your apartment's key anymore.
You gave me a home, not just a place to stay in. You gave me love, and I dare say, a family in a so distant country.
I loved you back while I could. Then I mistaken my own feelings and got a little bit lost in this country called Brazil.
I always said we wouldn't last long together. The truth is that now I'm not so sure anymore. And every time I ask myself about it, I feel like I'm making a fool of me.
I wish we could meet one day. I'm waiting for the day I'll be in Hungary, in Budapest, taking the train to Pécs. Living the dream once more.

With all my heart,

domingo, 31 de janeiro de 2016

The truth within

I wish i was just love
You know, like a gas planet
But instead of all that gas, made of love

I wish i just loved everyone
Every living being
I wish i was just made of good thoughts
But -i'd say my mind, but it's truly me - i am mean

Some thoughts are as just disgrateful as anakin killing the young padawans
Or Frodo being taken by the ring's strength

Oh my, so many wishes i cant conqueer
So selfish
I always wondered about my failures in this world
I mistakenly looked at the outside.
Today thankfully hurting the good
I could notice the dirt inside

Making a pray, since a wish is too weak